Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Running Hills to Boost Fun

Week three is long gone and I'm halfway through week 4. Time flies when you're having fun.

Over the last two weekends, at various social gatherings (ouw ouw!!), several of you have commended the determination and training that must go into preparing to run a marathon. Your comments and questions have really gone to my head--I should say I feel like a pretty badass running machine.

And although I thank you for the support, I must take this time to iterate that I am not a badass running machine. Sure, I can hide behind my blog and sound like a real racer, or dress up in my custom fit running shoes and hardcore running clothes and look like a marathon woman, but in person, while running, I'm pretty pathetic. Legs jarring, feet scuffing along, hardly clearing the ground, my kitchen timer tied to my shoes in lieu of a stopwatch, face exuding sweaty discomfort--I'm less than an inspiring image.

But somehow, my perception of my running experience is always that I am having fun.

At our last practice (along the beautiful Kirkland waterfront), the TNT coaches encouraged us to start adding hills to our workouts. At 8 am on a Saturday, this does not sound necessary. And at 5 pm on a Tuesday, it still does not sound necessary. And then Fitness Guru/Teacher/Master Erin Thekkedom enlightened me. She helped me understand that hills help make the flat parts easier.

If you can run a hill, you can run a faster flat. The hill adds natural resistance to the original running motion. When you remove the resistance, the original motion seems easier, either because the hill strengthens the running muscles or because it simply provides a beneficially painful contrast to the following flats.

Subjecting myself to hills means I'll enjoy the flats more. If I push through the hills, I'll have more fun on the flats. If I work hard a little, I'll have a lot more fun.

So I've added a hill to every day since. I'll let you know next week how much more fun the flats have become.

And perhaps this marathon training (and fundraising--yes, I'm still asking for donations!) experience is my present life's metaphorical hill. I'm adding to my life the resistance of almost-daily runs, dietary changes, constantly soliciting donations, weekly blogs (holla!), and weekly team practices. And I'm honestly having fun. By training to enjoy life with this much resistance, I'm training to automatically experience more fun on the flats, in the everyday life.


  1. Oh just summed up my philosophy on life!!!! I fully embrace the concept of adding in challenges and "hills" to one's life in order to strengthen what would normally not be strengthened otherwise. Often times these "hills" are added in for us...whether we want them or not! But the more we train on the "hills" the better we get at it. And as a result the flat spots are that much easier and enjoyable. And somehow we feel we deserve them so much more!

    I had never made this parallel with running, though--you have helped me turn my life philosophy into a workout philosophy! THANK YOU for this!!!!!

    And keep up the great work. You really ARE a badass! Again, in life we might get all sorts of compliments on how great we are doing, etc. But the reality of it all is the daily grind. But it all adds up and the perserverence pays off. Both in life AND in running.


  2. you crack me up!!! i think we're gonna have to do a marathon together after this! i'm so excited you're experiencing TEAM. you should think about coming to CA for the disneyland half labor day weekend - mom and dad are doing it too! and mike can do the water-stations with grandma ;). love you and am so proud of you!!

  3. I really enjoyed this one love, paticularly the note about the kitchen timer attached to your shoe :)

    Keep up the great work. I'm proud of you :-x

    PS- You are a badass. My badass. :)
